Page name: The Eye of the Dragon [Logged in view] [RSS]
2008-01-20 19:22:24
Last author: Mira Ravenheart
Owner: Mira Ravenheart
# of watchers: 33
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...Welcome to the Realms of Nyan...

Our treasures are yours that your heart may seek.
Our doors are open to you, traveller.
A Stranger may you be, lest we be acquainted.
So come in, shed your cloak, pull up a chair near the fire.
Tell us your story, and we shall tell you ours.
A long tale be it that.
The tale of the Eye of the Dragon.


~ A letter to all Wandering Souls ~

~ Audition for EotD ~

- If you have persevered this far,
then you have already accepted our invitation to join this Quest.
Here you must prove your worth. The best of luck to you all -

~ Characters of EotD ~

- We who search for the Eye of the Dragon -

~ Rules, Regulations and Common Sense ~

- You must read these before you even consider joining this quest -

~ The Magic of an Ancient Tongue ~

- The Magic of the world of Nyan.
In Nyan you use Magic through the words of the Ancient Tongue,
the tongue of the Gods in the The Birthing of the World
Come here to learn to use your magic,
but some questions shan't be answered -

~ About Nyan ~

- Background information for those who are new to Nyan
(You only need a basic understanding of this,
though the more you know, the more you will get out of RPing)
If you have any questions, contact [Mira Ravenheart] -

~ Overview of EotD ~

- For all those of you who find the way I think too confusing,
here is everything simplified -

~ EotD Index ~

- Here is all we have done and an easy way to get there -


No news currently.



::: Prologue: Dragon's Awakening :::

Lathiron: The Crow Tavern

Lathiron: The Bald Eagle Inn

EotD RP History

Previous Roleplay History

History from before the Eye of the Dragon closed.



Username (or number or email):


2005-08-27 [Mira Ravenheart]:

We've started.

2005-11-24 [Ashoka Virlym]: *walks in*erm hello? ermm [Crimson Mistress] asked if i would join and may i join??

2005-11-28 [Crimson Mistress]: Concidering I'm the person that says whether or not people get in, *grins* I think you've been invited. All you have to do is audition.

2005-11-28 [Mira Ravenheart]: lol, that's true. Just send me the form in Audition for EotD and I can work you through the joining process. :) I promise that its not complicated.

2005-12-06 [Giovanni de Vallaincourt]: I'm sorry [Mira Ravenheart], I know I've been gone a long time and I see that you've deleted me, if not my characters. I will be on more often from now on. Might I have them back?

2005-12-08 [Mira Ravenheart]: We'll see... I'll message you

2005-12-10 [~*Luna*~]: Hello again [Crimson Mistress] Do you mind if I join? *Smiles*

2005-12-10 [Mira Ravenheart]: You are quite welcome to join, on my part. Just fill out the audition and send it our way.

2005-12-10 [Shadow Reaper]: which reminds me, i've got your answer Crimson

2005-12-12 [Crimson Mistress]: Hello [~*Luna*~], *smiles warmly in return* You are more than welcome to join. Please message me your answer [Shadow Reaper].

2005-12-12 [~*Luna*~]: Its been interesting hasnt it, [Crimson Mistress]? We have had some fun Rpg.

2005-12-13 [Crimson Mistress]: You're quite right, we've been around haven't we. You have good taste in RPs ;)

2005-12-13 [~*Luna*~]: Ahh, so do you. *Smiles* ; )

2005-12-14 [Crimson Mistress]: Thank you :) So you plan on joining? What type of character are you thinking? Another vampire, or shall you be trying something new?

2005-12-14 [~*Luna*~]: I dont know. Maybe a vampire. Maybe a shifter..I just dont know yet.

2005-12-14 [Crimson Mistress]: Think on it then, I'm patient *smiles* As long as you're not elven, I'm fine. (we have far too many elves already)

2005-12-14 [~*Luna*~]: (No, I dont do elven.) *Smiles* Yes, I think vampire, as normal.

2005-12-15 [Crimson Mistress]: We also have a few too many vampires, but we're not barring new vampiric characters yet. *is playing two, heh...*

2005-12-16 [Sivart the Swordsman]: how many damn non humans am i going to have to compete with? ;)

2005-12-16 [Giovanni de Vallaincourt]: Quite a few, I gather.

2005-12-16 [Crimson Mistress]: Indeed, but this is a fantasy Roleplay. What is the point of being mundane during one of our few chances to be magical?

2005-12-16 [Lady_Elowyn]: I agree. Humans aren't bad, I but I wouldn't have much fun not having ANY magic...

2005-12-16 [~*Luna*~]: Thats true. I could be a shapeshifter....tho vampires are my better half...But it could work.

2005-12-16 [Lady_Elowyn]: You could be a half vampire, half shape-shifter! That'd be cool... lol

2005-12-16 [Shadow Reaper]: o.O is that allowed though?

2005-12-16 [~*Luna*~]: That would be interesting and very amuseing to see happen. I am sure I could make it work....

2005-12-16 [Lady_Elowyn]: I believe it is allowed... although I'm not positive. Ask Caedes or Crimson Mistress. But I think they'll allow it. It would be unique...

2005-12-16 [Shadow Reaper]: yes it would be...and it wouldn't be far off from the old myths about vampires

2005-12-16 [Lady_Elowyn]: Hehe. I look forward to meeting such a character.

2005-12-16 [Shadow Reaper]: i prefer what mine is...>> although i don't know where to start since i just got put up not too long ago...

2005-12-16 [Lady_Elowyn]: Talk to Caedes or Crimson Mistress. They run this wiki. Just send them a private message...

2005-12-16 [~*Luna*~]: What are your characters?

2005-12-16 [Lady_Elowyn]: I am Orrielle. I was role-playing in Helis, but now it is called the Desert Lands. So far it is at a pause there.

2005-12-16 [Shadow Reaper]: mine's a black dragon...i've talked to Crimson already...didn't think to ask her about that though, unfortunately...

2005-12-16 [~*Luna*~]: Interesting. I have no clue what name I would you...

2005-12-16 [Lady_Elowyn]: Huh. Well, I look forward to potentially role playing with you.

2005-12-16 [Shadow Reaper]: oO erm, Woeful...could you clarify that?

2005-12-16 [~*Luna*~]: And I you. I, as [Crimson Mistress] said, and a pretty descent role player.

2005-12-16 [Lady_Elowyn]: I happen to recall her saying the same about me... I'm still relatively new, but I am quite capable.

2005-12-16 [~*Luna*~]: Ahh, then we should make quiet a team, no?

2005-12-16 [Lady_Elowyn]: Yes, I imagine so. What other RPGs do you participate in?

2005-12-16 [~*Luna*~]: blood lust rpg and rath storyline.....and lord too many lol

2005-12-16 [Lady_Elowyn]: Lol, yes, I too am a member of way too many.

2005-12-16 [~*Luna*~]: Yes indeed.

2005-12-16 [Lady_Elowyn]: Where have you been role playing?

2005-12-16 [~*Luna*~]: Lately? Everywhere.

2005-12-16 [Lady_Elowyn]: I mean in which part of this role play. I am in the desert lands. Are you in The haunted Inn, the Desert Lands, or the other places that I can't spell?

2005-12-17 [Crimson Mistress]: Those are the only two places that we are roleplaying in at the moment, and [~*Luna*~] hasn't yet submitted a character. I'm not too sure about the shapeshifters though, you'd have to check with [Mira Ravenheart] and/or Races of Nyan (but if it's not there, Faith'd probably be happy to create you a new race).

2005-12-17 [~*Luna*~]: We shall see, what I can find out.

2006-01-02 [Fizban]: my, my...this looks like quite the well put RP,...very interesting, the intro is cool.

2006-01-03 [Mira Ravenheart]: Thank you ^_^ I think I'm most proud of the artwork, lol. (maps, deviders, headings, etc)

2006-01-03 [Fizban]: rights...well, In wikis I have been in past, we create history pages rather than making a new wiki page when one gets too large...hmms. Different...and yes the art is nice...and I like your magic, its quite interesting and obviously took alot of time to come up with it all...

2006-01-03 [Fizban]: how long has this wiki been up and roleplaying?...august I see...hmms. 

2006-01-03 [Fizban]: something I am confused about...magic is slowly dieing correct? Soul trapped within the artifact, the dragons save magic, one must destroy this releasing immense amounts of power to restore the failing energies. Well, what about the soul inside? what happens? Am I seeing this incorrectly?

2006-01-03 [Crimson Mistress]: What about the soul inside? *smiles slightly* Now let us not ruin the story, you cannot know everything. Your understanding is correct.

2006-01-03 [Fizban]: Ah...okay, I see...lols, roights...*wink, wink*...funny.

2006-01-03 [Crimson Mistress]: *simply smiles*

2006-01-03 [Mira Ravenheart]: *blinks* The soul inside is a God. To properly destroy the Eye, you would then be lead to believe that you are destroying the soul therein. The soul inside is the evil, not the Eye itself, and in destroying this soul you would return the power that He had stolen to the world he stole it from.

2006-01-03 [Fizban]: Yes, yes...okay, so thats what we were going on lols...that our characters would have the conception that destroying the eye equals destroying the soul...thats what I was getting at...

2006-01-03 [Crimson Mistress]: That would be the point, yes. Although not all of the characters in the RP seek to destroy it.

2006-01-03 [Fizban]: yes I know...I can see teh appeal in having a massive amount of power, during a time when everyone elses is failing...why would one wnat to give up there power to restore the competitions strength...

2006-01-03 [Crimson Mistress]: I know, lol. With a choice like: have God-like power or save the world, there's bound to be a bit of competition.

2006-01-03 [Fizban]: yes, true true, however by competition i mean give teh power to all those people that are also compeating for power...instead of keeping it to beat all the other people who desire it and power itslef lols....

2006-01-04 [Mira Ravenheart]: I think she knew what you meant. ^_^

2006-01-04 [Crimson Mistress]: I did *smiles*

2006-01-04 [Fizban]: just dounded like between keeping the power or shattering it is what it sounded like she thought i meant lols...either way same deal lol.

2006-01-04 [Crimson Mistress]: What I said was just an extension of what you said, really. I just said it differently.

2006-01-04 [Fizban]: lols...

2006-01-04 [Crimson Mistress]: *grins a bit*

2006-01-10 [Emporer Sensi]: Oooooooo I think I like, and am a bit jealous. Being a fellow World Maker. I think I might have to rethink my answer....

2006-01-10 [Mira Ravenheart]: It is still in construction, but thank you *smiles* We always welcome new members.

2006-01-10 [Emporer Sensi]: Ahhh well, there is a slight tradition I go through, before joining a RP, such as getting to know the Founder/Maker. Seeing the skill level of the other players, and getting to know the New "world"

2006-01-10 [Crimson Mistress]: *allows herself a smile* I do believe it's called an audition, although that's a new take on it.

2006-01-10 [Mira Ravenheart]: Well since we'd end up pulling your character in at Lathiron, you'd have as much time as you need to think it over. Feel free to ask questions about the RP if you have any. ^_^

2006-01-10 [~*Luna*~]: Hello hello hello. Looks like I missed quiet the conversation. *Smiles entering*

2006-01-10 [Mira Ravenheart]: *smiles tiredly* This is nothing. You should have seen what they were at in Ecalos. *grins*

2006-01-10 [~*Luna*~]: Ahh, then I have missed much. *smiles*

2006-01-10 [Mira Ravenheart]: Not too much, no. It was not an important conversation.

2006-01-10 [~*Luna*~]: *Smiles* If it is worth having, then it is improtant.

2006-01-10 [Mira Ravenheart]: It was not worth having. I deleted it. *sighs* (long story ><)

2006-01-10 [~*Luna*~]: *Smiles* (wasnt going to ask, not my business) Maybe, maybe not

2006-01-10 [Mira Ravenheart]: *returns your smile* Thank you.

2006-01-10 [~*Luna*~]: I do not push, if you want to talk, my guess is you will, I'm not one to push. *smiles and bows*

2006-02-13 [Crimson Mistress]: *prods Faith to update it*

2006-02-13 [~*Luna*~]: Awww, now be nice, Crimson.

2006-02-13 [Crimson Mistress]: Thanks *offers a smile* I am being nice... >>

2006-02-13 [Mira Ravenheart]: No problem, thanks for the reminder ^_^

2006-02-13 [~*Luna*~]: *Smiles* Yeah,

2006-03-15 [K'jesrya]: i have a question for you..can a your races of dragons be played as characters?

2006-03-15 [Crimson Mistress]: Yes, they can. We currently have two Black Dragons in play. If you were to read Races of Nyan or, more specifically, Dragons of Nyan, you could see the details ^_^

2006-03-15 [K'jesrya]: cool, since you have clearly stated that you do not want any more elves, so i thought that i would see if i could play a dragon instead

2006-03-15 [Fizban]: This place moves too slow...

2006-03-15 [Dark Adherent]: *pats fiz* Maybe you should try getting invovled then. ~_^

2006-03-15 [Fizban]: lols, I am, and have been lol...I wouldn't complain about the speed of the place if I wasn't within it. I have to wait till a certain group, reaches a certain destination before it is favorable for my character to which I have had for quite some time, to enter in.

2006-03-15 [Dark Adherent]: Lol, prod people like I have ~_^ Or help along with suggestions if things are going slow. <<;;;

2006-03-15 [Crimson Mistress]: Well we've got half the people complaining it's two slow and the other half complaining it's too fast. Can't please everyone, I'm afraid.

2006-03-15 [Crimson Mistress]: And yes, prodding people works quite well. ^_~

2006-03-15 [Dark Adherent]: Haha, it does indeed, doesn't it? ~_^

2006-03-15 [Fizban]: Hah!! wow...thats funny. Is half the tavern faster than the other, or are people really that adversly affected by the same tempo? Oys...oh well,...rushes are not necessary. Watch, when I finally get into the rp, then I will be complaining that I dont get on enough, and that it is too fast for me lol.

2006-03-15 [Dark Adherent]: Well, the Ymladris story moves much faster than the Helis story, that might have something to do with it. =P

2006-03-15 [Fizban]: Well alrighty then, that makes sense heh.

2006-03-15 [Crimson Mistress]: We're almost there, [Fizban]. Almost, I swear.

2006-03-15 [Fizban]: lols...Cool :) Tis k, I can live with it lol. God knows, as soon as it starts, my life will go hectic and I will have no time or osmething.

2006-03-17 [K'jesrya]: so how long does the audition process take so that one can find out if they have been accepted or not?

2006-03-18 [Mira Ravenheart]: That depends on how busy we are, but generaly it won't take long. I've read over your character. You are very good with words, however, your character is very powerful, and we may have to talk about that. I'll send you a message when I've read through it more completely.

2006-03-19 [K'jesrya]: is she that powerful just because she is a silver dragon? because if you don't want me to play up her power unless it is absolutely needed...then i wont

2006-03-19 [Crimson Mistress]: It's not simply her power, though, it's her perfection in almost every way. *pauses* What are her weaknesses, [K'jesrya]?

2006-03-19 [K'jesrya]: well..the character that i sent to you was just based off of the the criteria that was set down about the silver dragons, if they have weaknesses, then i shall write them in, one weakness she does have is her sister...and i could put something else in there if you wanted

2006-03-19 [Crimson Mistress]: I understand that, I play a Silver Dragoness as well as a Black Dragoness, and I assure you that they both have plenty of weaknesses. *offers a smile* You can figure something out, I'm sure.

2006-03-20 [K'jesrya]: yeah, i will think of something, because i would really like to be a part of this RP. So, i will think of something.

2006-03-20 [Crimson Mistress]: Thank you, it'd be great to have another player join our group. I look forward to seeing your changes. :)

2006-03-20 [K'jesrya]: when they are completed, i will send them to you

2006-03-22 [K'jesrya]: i know that i am being nosie..but...have you read over the changes that i sent you? and are they good enough? or...must i add something mroe

2006-03-23 [~*Luna*~]: Hello again

2006-03-23 [Mira Ravenheart]: You are, but that's a good thing. It means you'll be active and you'll bring some new enthusiam to the team. I like that. Your changes seem promising, I'll set you up for an audition and send you a message when I get home *is at school*. And hello [~*Luna*~], still thinking of joining?

2006-03-23 [~*Luna*~]: Yes, still thinking about it. Still dont know what character I would be.

2006-03-24 [K'jesrya]: know what they say, the squeaky wheel gets the grease.

2006-03-24 [Mira Ravenheart]: Hopefully you can find yourself a char sooner or later. *smiles* We don't have any really good vampires, so you could always play one if that is what interests you. Or you could always try something new.

2006-03-24 [Dark Adherent]: Haha, no real good vampires? Crimson might not be too happy to hear that. ~_^

2006-03-24 [Mira Ravenheart]: Yeah, but they're NPCs!! Nathaniel and Vincent are great, don't get me wrong!!

2006-03-24 [Dark Adherent]: Lol, I see your point...though when I tried to recommend one...well, I'll not mention the response =P (It wasn't bad though, by the way)

2006-03-24 [Mira Ravenheart]: I can understand her not wanting any additional vampires. We already have three, but neither of the two I don't play are very active.

2006-03-24 [Mira Ravenheart]: However, they were that active when you were probably asking about it.

2006-03-29 [K'jesrya]: so when does this whole audition thing take place?

2006-03-29 [Lady_Elowyn]: you come up with a character and send it in a message to the owner at any time

2006-03-30 [Mira Ravenheart]: They have sent them, but neither Crimson or I have had all that much time to review them. I apologize and thank you all for your patience.

2006-03-30 [K'jesrya]: no worries...just wondering

2006-04-01 [Emporer Sensi]: Damn it I know there is a good reason for watching ths page.....But i can't remember....Er.....hi....

2006-04-01 [Dark Adherent]: More than likely...because this is one of the more well planned, thought out, and brilliant RP's on ET?

2006-04-01 [Fizban]: And because of its brilliance, it moves at a crawl ;)

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